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New Sequencing Batch Reactor

Falmouth, MI

Gosling Czubak completed design of a new 30,000 GPD sequencing batch reactor plant with tertiary filtration and a finescreen, which discharged to rapid infiltration basins. The new plant serves Ebels General Store and Little Town Jerky Company in Falmouth, Michigan.

Due to regulatory requirements and accelerated business growth, Ebels proceeded with plans to expand their current treatment processes and plan for future growth. The new plant is the largest capacity plant for a privately-owned animal processing facility in the state of Michigan. In addition to higher capacity, the new plant accommodates the wastewater generated by Little Town Jerky, which is often ten times the strength of residential sewage and requires significant nutrient removal as well. Careful cooperation with the MDEQ was required to ensure regulatory compliance. Gosling Czubak also completed a full hydrogeological investigation as part of the plant design.

The new plant was completed as a design-build process, completed in seven months from the ordering of the first piece of equipment.