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Arcadia Marsh UA Boardwalk Trail

Arcadia, MI

Arcadia Marsh is one of last remaining costal marshes of Lake Michigan. Gosling Czubak assisted the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy in the design of a ¾ mile boardwalk through the 273 acre marsh preserve, which allows access for all abilities to immerse themselves in the unique marsh environment. Ultimately, this boardwalk provides those of all ages and abilities with the opportunity to rise above the marsh on an 8’ overlook and down to the water’s edge on 3 different fishing platforms, enjoying views of the marsh from multiple vantage points. 

Gosling Czubak worked closely on all aspects of the process from conceptual design through construction administration, including permitting through MDEQ, ACOE, and MDOT, as well as local permit requirements for the project. Careful coordination among the conservancy, contractor, surveyors, structural engineer, and boardwalk manufacturer allowed construction to begin in one of northern Michigan’s unique environments.

Construction was completed even in the face of record-high area water levels and unique construction challenges.