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Our Projects

SkyBridge Michigan

Experiential Resources (ERI), a Hawaiian-based company that designs and builds aerial adventure attractions, teamed with Gosling Czubak to provide surveying and construction materials testing for the SkyBridge Michigan project at Boyne Mountain, the world’s longest, timber-towered suspension bridge.

Wine Tasting Bar & Patio

Gosling Czubak led a design-build process with the contractor, architect and owner to realize an expanded outdoor patio space with a shade pergola and full seasonal bar.

1.3 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant

This new $9M wastewater treatment plant was completed by a design/build process within 18 months, from groundbreaking to substantial completion. Flow capacity at the plant is 1.33 million gallons per day.

St Marys Cement Plant Upgrade

Gosling Czubak was retained by St. Marys Cement and its parent company, Votorantim Cimentos, to provide engineering, testing and inspection for a 225' tall blend silo at its Charlevoix, Michigan cement plant.

Joining Jordan Pedestrian Pathway

Joining Jordan links the residential and commercial districts on both sides of the Jordan River. The $2.5M project was completed in large part due to a $2.2M MEDC grant.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Gosling Czubak completed design of a new 582,000 gallon per day extended aeration mechanical plant/lagoon hybrid process wastewater treatment plant for the Village of Elk Rapids in Antrim County.

Jones Landing Park

Gosling Czubak designed the park facilities, including a new boat launch, beach facility, restrooms, and park pavilion.

Three Mile Road

The improvements included widening to five lanes, intersection improvements, creation of a median and use of storm water best management practices. 

Water Main Extension

Gosling provided the design, permitting and construction engineering services for a water main extension to Baker College for the Charter Township of Haring.

New Wastewater Treatment Plant

Gosling Czubak designed a unique, 135,000 gallon per day oxidation ditch - activated sludge process wastewater treatment plant for Haring Township in Wexford County. 

Greilickville Harbor Park

The site today functions as a public marina and launch and an adjacent picnic park.

Shanahan Field

Gosling Czubak provided site design, surveying and landscape architecture services for this redeveloped baseball park and playground in Charlevoix Township.

Four Corners Remediation System

Gasoline and fuel releases were confirmed at four different gas stations at Front and Division Streets in Traverse City. Gosling Czubak designed a remediation system to clean the site. 

Traverse City West Middle School

The Traverse City Area Public School System (TCAPS) retained Gosling Czubak to create a new road access to the school for buses and automobiles, to improve pedestrian circulation, and create outdoor spaces for students around the school building.

Wastewater Treatment System Improvements

Gosling Czubak provided the planning, assisted with the SRF funding acquisition, designed, permitted and provided construction engineering on this $8.0M expansion and improvement to the wastewater treatment and discharge system serving the western portion of Houghton Lake.

Headlands Observatory

Gosling Czubak completed a site layout and construction staking, as well as construction materials testing for the Waterfront Program facility and observatory at the Headlands International Dark Sky Park.

Construction Surveying - City of Traverse City

The City of Traverse City completed construction projects at 13 locations, including resurfacing, curb and gutter, replacement of water mains and sanitary sewers that are within the street rights-of-ways as well as drainage improvements. 

New Auto Service Center and Show Room

Gosling Czubak designed parking layout, site grading, water and sewer services, and stormwater management for a new automotive full service center and Audi/VW auto show room for Serra Automotive in Traverse City.  

Ridge45 Apartments

Gosling Czubak completed construction staking for a residential apartment complex on the south side of Traverse City. Work included staking of underground infrastructure, sidewalk, curb and gutter, five apartment buildings and a pool/office building. 

101 North Park

Gosling Czubak provided construction staking for the project and prepared the Exhibit “B” Master Deed condominium drawings for the project.

Woodstone Development

Gosling Czubak has provided the surveying and engineering services necessary to develop this 80-acre single-family residential condominium community.

Clare's Country Corner

Soil and groundwater were contaminated with hydrocarbons from historic releases from underground storage tanks. Gosling Czubak completed site characterization work including soil and groundwater sampling.  

Hay Lake Park & Marina

Redevelopment of private marina to 30-slip public marina, boat launch, kayak launch, parking, and UA bathrooms. Amenities include walks, parking and LID storm water measures. Funded by MNRTF and MDNR grant funds.

Sayler Park Boating Access Site

Gosling Czubak performed updated conceptual design from a dated plan, assisted to secure additional Waterways BAS funds and then engineered the new launch to serve smaller boats up to 22 feet in length with a single, reinforced and widened ramp.

North Bayside Park

Gosling Czubak assisted Acme Township with the redevelopment of waterfront park along Lake Michigan in Acme Township. The first phase included new walkways and linkages for future trail connectors and an enhanced beach environment.

Crescent Shores Boating Access Site

The project involved redesigning the existing road end single lane small boat launch and developing an off-road parking facility on the newly acquired 11.2 acres of land adjacent boat launch site.

Arcadia Dunes Barrier Free Boardwalk and Overlook

The focus of the planning and preliminary design development is to create accessible (5% slope) trail segments as part of the existing resource area trail loops.

High School Ballfield

Gosling Czubak helped Kalkaska High School redevelop its baseball field facility.

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