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Our Projects

Well Staking & Permitting

Gosling Czubak has staked and helped permit more than 4,000 wells throughout Lower Michigan since 1973. We have been on the forefront of implementing new, innovative, and cost-effective methods of locating and staking wells. 

Woodstone Development

Gosling Czubak has provided the surveying and engineering services necessary to develop this 80-acre single-family residential condominium community.

Environmental Consulting

Gosling Czubak provided permitting and compliance services to various mining operations throughout the State of Michigan.

Hay Lake Park & Marina

Redevelopment of private marina to 30-slip public marina, boat launch, kayak launch, parking, and UA bathrooms. Amenities include walks, parking and LID storm water measures. Funded by MNRTF and MDNR grant funds.

Wetlands Delineation

Gosling Czubak identified and delineated wetlands in a right-of-way for a power transmission line near Traverse City, Michigan, utilizing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers methodology. 

Wetland Determination

Gosling Czubak identified and delineated wetlands on a parcel subject to a proposed expansion of an assembly plant.  The presence of wetlands was determined using existing resources and discussions with the MDEQ. 

Baker's Acres Wetlands Consulting

Gosling Czubak identified and delineated wetlands on a vacant parcel for a proposed commercial development.  After a pre-application meeting was conducted with the MDEQ to present various development options, a commercially-viable site plan was developed that minimized impacts and provided mitigation via a Conservation Easement. A permit for the project was subsequently approved by the MDEQ. 

Arcadia Dunes Barrier Free Boardwalk and Overlook

The focus of the planning and preliminary design development is to create accessible (5% slope) trail segments as part of the existing resource area trail loops.

Arcadia Marsh UA Boardwalk Trail

Gosling Czubak assisted the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy in the design of a ¾ mile boardwalk through the 273 acre marsh preserve, which allows access for all abilities to immerse themselves in the unique marsh environment.

Pyatt Lake Natural Area UA Boardwalk

Gosling Czubak worked with the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy to design a replacement boardwalk trail system and overlook at Pyatt Lake Natural Preserve.

Our Year of Foundation
Main Services
Years of Experience