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Our Projects

SkyBridge Michigan

Experiential Resources (ERI), a Hawaiian-based company that designs and builds aerial adventure attractions, teamed with Gosling Czubak to provide surveying and construction materials testing for the SkyBridge Michigan project at Boyne Mountain, the world’s longest, timber-towered suspension bridge.

1.3 MGD Wastewater Treatment Plant

This new $9M wastewater treatment plant was completed by a design/build process within 18 months, from groundbreaking to substantial completion. Flow capacity at the plant is 1.33 million gallons per day.

Joining Jordan Pedestrian Pathway

Joining Jordan links the residential and commercial districts on both sides of the Jordan River. The $2.5M project was completed in large part due to a $2.2M MEDC grant.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Gosling Czubak completed design of a new 582,000 gallon per day extended aeration mechanical plant/lagoon hybrid process wastewater treatment plant for the Village of Elk Rapids in Antrim County.

Jones Landing Park

Gosling Czubak designed the park facilities, including a new boat launch, beach facility, restrooms, and park pavilion.

Water System Improvements

Gosling Czubak provided design and permitting services for a new 450 GPM water supply well, a 500,000 gallon ground storage reservoir and 11,000 feet of 16" water main to connect the new reservoir to the water system in the Township.

Three Mile Road

The improvements included widening to five lanes, intersection improvements, creation of a median and use of storm water best management practices. 

Water Main Extension

Gosling provided the design, permitting and construction engineering services for a water main extension to Baker College for the Charter Township of Haring.

Greilickville Harbor Park

The site today functions as a public marina and launch and an adjacent picnic park.

Four Corners Remediation System

Gasoline and fuel releases were confirmed at four different gas stations at Front and Division Streets in Traverse City. Gosling Czubak designed a remediation system to clean the site. 

Wastewater Treatment System Improvements

Gosling Czubak provided the planning, assisted with the SRF funding acquisition, designed, permitted and provided construction engineering on this $8.0M expansion and improvement to the wastewater treatment and discharge system serving the western portion of Houghton Lake.

Shippy Road

Gosling Czubak completed crush and shape for approximately 1.95 miles of Shippy Road from Maple Hill Road to County Line in Kalkaska County, Michigan.

Keystone Recreation Complex

A $1.2M Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) land acquisition grant made it possible to design and build 8 new soccer fields, entrance roads, parking facilities.

Copper Ridge Mixed-Use Development

Copper Ridge is a 73-acre mixed-use development on a very hilly site overlooking Traverse City in Garfield Township, Grand Traverse County. 

Anderson Road

Gosling Czubak completed improvements along this stretch of Anderson Road in Emmet County, from Lears Road to US 31.

Headlands Observatory

Gosling Czubak completed a site layout and construction staking, as well as construction materials testing for the Waterfront Program facility and observatory at the Headlands International Dark Sky Park.

Flowline & Pipeline Staking

In conjunction with well staking, Gosling Czubak has provided construction staking for thousands of miles of  oil and gas flowlines and pipelines.

Facility Mapping

Gosling Czubak has completed hundreds of as-built surveys for oil and gas facilities including locating underground and overhead utilities and piping. 

Woodstone Development

Gosling Czubak has provided the surveying and engineering services necessary to develop this 80-acre single-family residential condominium community.

M-O-A Landfill

Gosling Czubak completes topographic surveying to determine quarterly volumes at a regional solid waste disposal facility in northeast Michigan.

Road Topography

Gosling Czubak completed road topographic survey for fourteen downtown streets in the Village of Elk Rapids being considered for underground water main improvements.

Eastern Elementary School

Gosling Czubak completed geotechnical, drilling and surveying services ahead of the planned reconstruction of Eastern Elementary School in the Traverse City Area Public School District. Reconstruction is planned for the summer of 2017.

Torch Lake Bathymetric Survey

Working with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Gosling Czubak completed a bathymetric survey of Torch Lake to assist in determining the feasibility of a new boat access site (BAS) on the west side of the lake. 

Edward C. Grace Memorial Harbor

Gosling Czubak prepared specifications for the building's removal and designed the new docks and upland facilities, including water and electrical services.

Arcadia Dunes Barrier Free Boardwalk and Overlook

The focus of the planning and preliminary design development is to create accessible (5% slope) trail segments as part of the existing resource area trail loops.

High School Ballfield

Gosling Czubak helped Kalkaska High School redevelop its baseball field facility.

Herman Park Tennis Courts

Gosling Czubak worked with Suttons Bay Township to make multiple improvements to Herman Park.

Residential Building Support

Several home builders rely on Gosling Czubak as their comprehensive source for geotechnical soil reports, site plan preparation, topographical and construction staking, and quality assurance construction materials testing.

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