Are You Seeing Your Industrial Storm Water Clearly?
Conducting visual assessments of storm water discharges from areas of industrial activity is a new permit requirement for facilities in Michigan with industrial storm water permit coverage. Will this new rule effect you?
Is Your Permit Renewal Effected?
All new General Permits for storm water discharges from industrial activities require a visual assessment plan. Industries approaching their five-year renewal window should be aware of the new visual inspection requirements. Visual inspection will need to be included in the facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Pan (SWPPP).
Visual Assessment Components
Written Procedures
Describes how, when, where and who will collect storm water discharge from the facility.
Storm Water Sample Collection
Should occur within 30 minutes of the beginning of the storm water discharge, and at least 72 hours from a previous storm event.
Visual Assessment of the Sample
Should be collected by an Industial Storm Water Certifed Operator, photographed, and kept on file with an observation report for at least three years.
How Can Gosling Czubak Help?
Gosling Czubak has assisted oil and gas, industrial, and manufacturing clients in drafting and implementing SWPPPs. We also have Industrial Storm Water Certified Operators on staff. If you have any questions or would like assistance, please contact us.
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