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Watch out for Wetlands

As a wetland consultant, its unfortunate to tell recent purchasers of property that they can't build because the property contains regulated wetlands. Worse yet, the propoerty owners innocently disturb regulated wetlands and incur penalties more than the cost of the property. By conducting a wetland assessment prior to purchase, purchasers can eliminate surprises and determine whether the property can be used for its intended purchase.


Conduct Due Diligence prior to Purchase

Wetland due diligence as part of a real estate transaction saves time, money and bad news. The presence of wetlands can bring construction of a commercial development, new home, addition, driveway, or outbuilding to an abrupt halt. Before purchasing property, it is prudent to have a wetlands professional visit the site to ensure that the project can be constructed in a manner that  avoids or minimizes impacts to wetlands. If the project reqires a permit, the professional can help facilitae the permitting process.


What are Wetlands?

Wetlands provide  flood control, pollution prevention, and wildlife habitat. Because of their importance, federal and state regulations have been established to protect wetlands.

Wetlands are not always obvious and may appear as a grassy meadow, shrubby field, or mature forest land. Wetlands and wetland margins could have only seasonally saturated soil without visible standing water.


Wetland Laws and Permitting

The DEQ regulates development in wetlands. The law requires a permit before placing fill material, removing soil, or draining water from a wetland. Before issuing a permit, the DEQ will review the proposed activity and determine whether "feasible and prudent alternatives" are availeble to reduce or eliminate the impact to wetlands.


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